How To Trade
You can only have a maximum of three (3) items being sold at the same time on Camerooncom. This principle is put in place for the safety of our users to prevent scamming. To sell more than 3 items at a time, you will need to become a Gold member and set up a shop on Camerooncom. You will then be known as a shop owner, or a gold member. A shop owner can have an unlimited number of items being sold concurrently on Camerooncom for the duration of their gold membership. Read about gold membership here: What is Gold Membership?
You can sell items for free, except for certain categories of items that we charge a fee for. After placing the ad of an item to sell; we will review that ad and the item will be approved by a regional manager after reviewing to ensure you are genuine. This is one of the many measures we take to minimise scamming on the platform. The manager may contact you and ask you a few questions about the item you are selling before approving your sale.
When placing an ad on the site, you will be informed if the item you are selling falls under a chargeable category. In that case, your will be informed on how to pay on the site. After reviewing your item and receiving your payment, the regional manager will approve your ad.
We use the concept of regional managers to get to meet and know sellers in the local community. They will help to answer any questions you may have about how having an online shop on Camerooncom can help grow your business more than you can ever grow it on your own.
Mediation Service
We do offer a mediation service. This means that you can ask us to take charge of a sales transaction for you, so that it goes smoothly. We know all about legal ramifications concerning the various categories of buying and selling in the country, like lands, housing, vehicles and the certificates and licenses involved. By letting us mediate for you, we will ensure that we trade in your best interest and you will be free from any liabilities if something goes wrong. This service however comes with a fee, but we will work with you to make sure you do not pay the high fees that are normally charged by other agencies. Contact us to learn more about how we can mediate for you while trading on Camerooncom.